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Inyectores de medios de contraste para angiografía, TC y RM
Inyectores de medios de contraste para angiografía, TC y RM
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American College of Radiology. Injection of contrast material and radiopharmaceuticals [policy statement]. 1987 (revisado 1997).
Low osmolar contrast agent reimbursement [policy statement]. 1989 (renovado 1999).
Practice guideline for the performance of diagnostic arteriography in adults. 1993 (revisado 2002).
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Chen KT, Chen CJ, Chang PY, et al. A nosocomial outbreak of malaria associated with contaminated catheters and contrast medium of a computed tomographic scanner. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1999 Jan;20(1):22-5.
ECRI Institute. Air-detection systems on cardiac catheterization power contrast injectors won't always prevent air emboli [informe de riesgo]. Health Devices 2008 Aug;37(8):254-5.
Angiography contrast injector safety: visualizing the marketplace [evaluación]. Health Devices 2010 Jun;39(6):182-93.
Computed tomography for cardiovascular disease screening. Health Technol Forecast 2006 Nov.
Contrast media: ionic versus nonionic and low-osmolality agents [resumen clínico]. Health Devices 1993 Nov;22(11):511-2.
Implantable ports for CT power injection are safe, effective [temas de seguridad]. Health Devices 2013 Feb;42(2):68-9.
New CDC guidelines outline four "E's" for injection safety [temas de seguridad]. Health Devices 2013 Jul;42(7):233.
Safety features on CT contrast injectors: enhancing patient protection [evaluación]. Health Devices 2010 May;39(5):150-65.
Use of contrast injectors requires constant vigilance [informe de riesgo]. Health Devices 2006 Dec;35(12):461-2.
Goltz JP, Noack C, Petritsche B, et al. Totally implantable venous power ports of the forearm and the chest: initial clinical experience with port devices approved for high-pressure injections. Br J Radiol 2012 Nov;85(1019):e966-72.
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Hendee WR, Ritenour ER. Medical imaging physics. 4th ed. New York: Wiley-Liss; 2002.
Snopek AM. Fundamentals of special radiographic procedures. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2006.
Última actualización, diciembre de 2013
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